Sunday, September 16, 2012

First Post: Gathering Thoughts!

Two days ago, I received my Holiday Working Visa for Australia.  Since Australia is part of the Commonwealth, it's rather simple to attain a visa to enter the country. You answer a long series of questions online, pay $280 CDN, and then wait "up to" six days. I rolled over the next morning, and there, in my email inbox, was the granted visa notification. I think my eyes got a little watery from a mix of relief and happiness and excitement, and then I was up and on the phone with my dad.  So it begins!
I need to sell my car.  That is literally my only "tie down" right now.  I don't have a dog, or a cat, or a boyfriend for that matter... nor a lease where I'm living.  My hours at work have been cut back, and I've been essentially alone in London, ON, with the exception of my lovely roommate Gail.
The car is listed.  My family understands and supports my upcoming adventure, and so do my friends - several of which are experiencing their own adventures, scattered around the world.

I can't help but wonder about what I'll miss while I'm gone, especially with regards to my little unborn niece or nephew.  But my sister Allison has been incredible and keeps telling me, "GO. Go and have fun. Go and live! We'll be here waiting when you get home! Just keep in touch and send pictures." I could not ask for a better family or support network.

Friends of mine have started their own blogs to keep their families and friends up to date with their travels, so I figured I would do the same. This way, I can share pictures and stories and highlights of my adventures with you, like I did while away on my exchange when I wrote in to the Minden Times. Hopefully this will keep you just as entertained as my stories from Argentina! :)